Login required on double click on file

Home Forums Bug reports Login required on double click on file

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  • #131

    I have a file from previous tests: D+DD-system-KB.azzdb
    After installation of the new beta 3a I double clicked on that file and get the message A:
    azzCarfile Login
    Enter your credentials
    Password: _____________
    OK Cancel

    I can enter whatever I want (including the pw for this forum) and press OK on messae A, I get the message
    [FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] ERROR: Cipher: Invalid password is
    specified or DB is corrupted.

    Cancel on message A crates “Cannot open file”.
    Ignoring this the file opens…


    to clarify my report:
    «Ignoring this the file opens …» must read: it does not open my file, but the default data base coming with the installation.

    I have just found that this error was reported by another tests under “Questions”.

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